Apr 14, 2020



First of all, we hope you, your colleagues and your families are healthy and well.

Despite the massive impact of the virus, we do want to continue working on delivering our solutions to our customers. Especially in these times when more people need to stay at home, our industry can help a tiny bit by making sure there is entertainment at home.

One of the positive things of having a global team is that we have learned to work in different places around the world for a long time. Crossing time-zones, cultures, languages and personal skill sets, we are used to Working Apart Together.

With the current Corona situation, we find ourselves even more separated, but with surprisingly little effect on our ability to make things happen. Our implementation of MS Teams is an additional help to streamlining our information and communication.

Especially with our Remote Stations (whereby we can test our STB in any environment from any place in the world) we can continue to deliver our services.

In the last couple of weeks, we find that we work with our customers and partners in the same way. With the addition of some background noise of the children or the dog, our (business) life goes on.

With the shows and meetings cancelled, we look forward to continuing to meet you online and Working Apart Together with you to make sure people can get the best possible content delivered to their homes.

From all the people @ EKT – stay healthy.

Richard Smith, CEO